City News

Bengaluru’s Busy Life: Man Works on Laptop While Riding Scooter

A video from Bengaluru got everyone talking on social media. It showed a guy riding his scooter in the city while also being on a work meeting through his laptop. People were worried about him being safe and focused on work at the same time.

The video had a message saying, “Bengaluru is not for beginners.”

People online reacted with jokes and understanding. Some joked that he must work a lot because he’s on a call even while riding. Others praised his dedication to work, saying he’s really productive.

But behind the jokes, people also realized the pressure many face in their jobs. They mentioned how tough it is to find time for themselves when work demands so much.

The video reminded everyone of how fast-paced life is in Bengaluru, especially for those in the tech industry. It’s not the first time such a video caught people’s attention online, showing the daily struggles of city life.

Overall, the video showed the busy life of Bengaluru, where people work hard despite the challenges they face.